Peaking International LLC is a US-based company dealing in the Fresh produce industry, where its main activity is wholesale distribution.

Peaking International trades as a private limited company with registered offices in San Diego.

We are fundamentally a grassroots organization. We do not just dictate policy as other organizations do, but we have hands-on experience with what it takes to produce fresh produce around the globe.

Three directors manage the company. They are supported by a procurement manager, a logistics operations staff in Peru, and an office manager dealing with accounts management.



Production is at the heart of our business and a unique source of competitive advantage. Peaking International sources fresh produce and owns and actively operates agricultural farms and fresh produce processing sites in North, Central, and South America.


Peaking International operates a supply chain of suppliers located in North and Central America (Mexico) and South America (Peru and Guatemala). To expand its produce sourcing footprint, the company is also exploring supply partnerships in Africa, specifically in Kenya, Morocco, and South Africa.


Following the increasing demand for fresh produce in the UK and Europe, Peaking International now focuses on expanding into Europe, using the UK as its pilot market. Through orders from large UK customers like Flamengo and Vita Fresh, the company has secured interest.